No Love from Above for Lake Erie Ice Fishing set your flame on fire with a St. Croix as conditions change for Walleye season

“He always needs a fishing pole,” states Mario Campos owner of Maumee Tackle Fishing Outfitters.

Let’s face the facts. Valentine’s Day is about the ladies and the man is undoubtedly expected to wine her, dine her, and give her lavish gifts to show her the love. Or at the very least, present her with a token of affection from the local gift shop.

Women don’t need to go all out for him. A simple presentation of a book, or perhaps something done in love in the name of service will suffice.

According to WKYC Chief Meteorologist Betsy Kling’s latest forecast in 2015 at this time ninety- six percent of Lake Erie was frozen. This year, to mark Valentine’s Day 2016 just one percent of the lake in the Upper Western Basin near Canada has turned to tundra.

That means the ice fishing gear is coming off the shelves and going back into the store rooms as retailers prepare for an early Walleye season.

Campos claims Cupid himself would opt for the Saint Croix Eyecon to intrigue your beau.
Campos claims Cupid himself would opt for the Saint Croix Eyecon to intrigue your beau.

“I’m going to have two shifts beginning in a couple of weeks. One from 6 am to 4 pm and the other from 10 am to 8 pm to cover the crowds,” Campos details his coverage plans and points to a sign on the door reading, “Full Time Temporary HELP WANTED.”

Campos’ store is located just two blocks away from the Maumee River and right now, instead of bracing for record-breaking lows, he’s bracing for two months of fourteen hour days to cater to the crowds that will flood his store for every lure and line they need to score with the Walleye.

So, if you do want to gift your guy a sweet something, Campos is confident any man will swoon over the Saint Croix Eyecon series rod. The item is apparently what every Coastal Ohio fisherman is searching for to conquer the Maumee River March mayhem. According to the Toledo Metro Parks, as in every year, a half of a million Walleye will conduct their reproductive ritual in Lake Erie’s largest flowing river.

The natural event and this piece of gear is so intense, the company’s website says the rod is retailed for the man ready to “Grab life by the hands. Seize the day. Go for it, Amigo.”

There Comes A Time In Every Man’s Life When He has To Say, “Frankly My Dear Boss, I Don’t Give A Damn.”

Maumee Tackle Fishing Outfitters employee Ryan Smith is quick to point out, “This is one of the most popular fishing rods around here. Saint Croix makes a couple of designs the Avids, Premieres, Triumphs. There are twenty different styles of fishing poles made from Saint Croix.”

To sweeten the deal this February 14 for your man, who has his own intricate love affair with fishing, Smith recommends the Eyecon 6′ to 6’5″ pole. The retail price is a mere $123.95 and the guys at Maumee Tackle Fishing Outfitters have about three dozen on hand sure to be treasured more than your two dozen red roses which won’t see March.

“These are made technique specific for Walleye. Ninety-percent of fishermen use a Carolina Rig which is a mixer of sinkers, leader lines and lures,” Smith sweetens the sale.

For bigger trout fishermen will should be outfit with a longer pole. For heavy trolling in the lake the pole you purchase will have to be longer.

But, in the end, it’s the Saint Croix Eyecon to set your flame on fire this Saint Valentine holiday.

“The rod is sensitive with a good backbone,” Campos showers on the affection he attaches to the piece. “Guys love the way this is designed specifically for walleye. The fish is the mainstay of the Maumee River.”

Check out the Ohio Department of Natural Resources page for the next Maumee and Sandusky Rivers Report.

Maumee Tackle Fishing Outfitters is located at 104 West Wayne Street. You can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram. Much Love!

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Buyers are bringing their Boats American Caribbean's Stephanie Clark on the Islamorada Market

Contractors in the Upper Keys are experiencing a flurry of activity. Buyers are entering the Upper Keys real estate market, often with cash in their hands, to buy and remodel entire homes and the accompanying property. As soon as the dust from Pierre’s New Year’s Eve fireworks spectacular settled down over the ocean, buying activity turned on like a light switch.

Here’s more with fifteen-year veteran realtor Stephanie Clark.


Sweet Somethings: 2016 North Coast Valentine Wish List red hot ride to a vintage popcorn popper

Coastal Ohio is expected to experience temperatures below the 20 degree fahrenheit mark for Valentine’s Weekend. Forecasters are even predicting lows of negative three degrees.

Which means love birds will need to heat the scene up across the shores of the entire lake. Of course a Caribbean Cruise is the creme da la creme and the Progressive Insurance Miami International Boat Show takes place this weekend at the Miami Marine Stadium Park and Basin.

If you can’t reach the South Florida spot for everything nautical and nice and still want to give the gift of love look no further than the Ohio Turnpike. There are red hot items to entice everyone and everyone’s budget. Here’s a glance at gifts to grab for your flame to ensure the mercury for romance really races off the charts. WARNING: There’s a lot of chocolate mentioned and this list is for the ladies.




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Stella’s to serve Brunch for Sweethearts posh Perrysburg eatery expands dining times

Cupid has shot multiple arrows through Stella’s in Perrysburg. The eatery is nestled downtown on the edge of Louisiana Avenue with the Maumee River situated just across the street. The atmosphere pulls from the energy ions of the raging body of water just a stone throws away.

This Valentine’s Day the spread will be even more spectacular. Manager Ed Lopez dishes, Stella’s is going to be open this Sunday, February 14th for brunch for the first time, and every Saturday and Sunday thereafter from 10 am – 3 pm.

“This is not a buffet all of the menu items will be to order,” defines Lopez, “Chef has put together some menu items to wow.”

Chef is Michael Bulkowski. He says an array of ethnic foods will be showcased.

“We’ll have items we love to eat as cooks. This is the perfect brunch I would like to go to. There isn’t a theme. Just tasty breakfast food. We’re working on a few signature Bloody Marys I think will be out of this world,” Bulkowski boasts of the plans.

Anyone looking to romance their man or woman with a meal on Ohio’s North Coast should know Stella’s adds just the right elegant element. Call 419-873-8360 to make reservations. Or visit them online.

Maumee and the Maumee River can be seen from the marquee outside.
Maumee and the Maumee River can be seen from the marquee outside.



Lasagne at Midnight dessert before dinner makes for one unforgettable feast

One little can from the cupboard can inspire a five hour feast.

The Original Sauce Arturo Gourmet Sauce with mushrooms greets everyone within eyesight with as much exuberance as a Maitre D’ from a fine Italian eatery. Peel the label back to reveal the “Arturo Lasagne” ingredient list. Then, improvise for an impeccable meal.

The recipe on the inside calls for an entire list of ingredients many of us just don’t have the palates for; namely, they are sausage, cottage cheese and ground up hamburger. Just use the recipe for a cue and create a dish you can own. To get this Italian partito going light a fire out in your backyard, aerate two bottles of red wine and create an anti pasto platter.

You can find an array of inviting dishes at Pier 1, like this carved fish serving platter, to make your old-world appetizers ultra-appealing. While guests make their way in, assemble the lasagne as you chat them up and they fill their glasses with vino.

Buy the ready to bake Kroger lasagne noodles, and a trio of cheeses as pictured below. We removed the sausage and ground up hamburger. This move makes assembly of this Italian classic as easy to pull off as opening the Sauce Arturo can. Use a lasagne pan or as in this case, a 9″ x5″ x 3″ loaf pan like this one we used for deep dish decadence.

Crack the ends of the noodles off with your hands to make the noodles fit in a shorter and deeper loaf pan, as we did. Three noodles make up each layer. Pour The Original Sauce Arturo Gourmet Sauce with Mushrooms on top, add frozen spinach and then top with your three-cheese mixture forked together with an egg. Eyeball the mixture and add more Ricotta, Mozzarella and Parmesan to fit your taste. Keep going until the concoction reaches the brim.

Then, grab a Swiss Army knife, a bag of marshmallows, vino and go enjoy the company and your fire. We like the Victorinox Swiss Army Camper Knife. This stainless steel contraption retails for about thirty dollars and besides a corkscrew, has a 3.6″ knife perfect for carving a marshmallow stick. After 28 years, as old as the friendships are around the fire, the blade still worked to whittle down the wood with precision.

While you and your guests feast on the bubbled confectioners sugar, flavored with firewood, remember you’ll need about 75 minutes to bake dinner. Preheat the oven before the clock strikes ten pm. At eleven-fifteen, remove the foil, sprinkle more Mozzarella on top and bake for another five minutes.

Pop open a bottle of San Pellegrino, grab a plate and godere!

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Power Yoga Packs plenty of Potency Pigeons, Birds of Paradise and inversions make up this fitness flurry

“When I first came to It’s Yoga I was like, ‘Ummm no. I really don’t want to go upside down.’ Through coming and watching other people I was like, ‘Maybe I can do them.'” Michelle Zydorczyk puts out there –  what pulls her to Power Yoga.

The ninety-minute session on the mats at It’s Yoga on Toledo’s Central Avenue is where Zydorczyk zones in on her zen. She’s a substance abuse counselor at the Zepf Center. She uses the practice as a tool to pry her pupils off of harmful “medication”. Medication they can get chemical free on a mat.

Zydorczyk, who accented her black and red hot yoga gear with gold hoop earrings nods her head, “It’s mind over matter. It’s not your body that won’t go upside down, it’s your mind.”

“Look up at your thumb even if you don’t normally. Just take a look, breathe and don’t worry about falling,” instructs It’s Yoga manager and fitness model, Sydney Parker.

“This class makes you get lost in the flow, and it’s like moving meditation,” David Schmenk, a Toledo website designer sweats the class out with a headband around his spiked hair.

Schmenk strips off his tank ten minutes into the flow to reveal a string of Chinese symbols tattooed down the top of his spine.

“I honestly don’t know what they mean. I got them when I was 16-years old,” he admits honestly. “This class to me is just about being present and focusing in and applying the same thing in life. Like stuck in traffic. Instead of freaking out and getting mad, I just take a couple deep breaths, focus in, try to be present, try not be caught up in everything going on.”

Schmenk is one of four men making this date with the mat. Mustering up all the muscle and mind power they can to power through the sixteenth Chatarunga.

“This is a lot of Chatarungas,” Sydney coaches “we want strong shoulders!”

“The class is dude-friendly,” her boyfriend Scotty Williamson from Michigan points out. “It’s definitely a lot harder than I thought it was but I love it. I realize the transformation from where I was before. This Power Yoga class gets you stretched out and heated if you keep pushin’ through, and breathin’.”

A Glass City girl from birth, Parker points out the class concept. Power Yoga is designed to empower from within. Yogis are encouraged to find inner-strength and bust any limiting beliefs through the breath.

This powerful practice eventually showcases a dream dance, the arm-balancing split, translated in Sanskrit to Eka Pada Koudinyasana, and Parker is demonstrative that breath can take a person to new dimensions. She teaches Restorative Yoga at this location three days a week and Power Yoga two times. Though the sequence has everyone in a sweat she surprisingly urges beginners to come in regardless of Ahamkara, otherwise known as the ego.

“I would myth bust that this is for advanced only. My friend Michelle just unveiled to me this was her first time ever coming to a yoga class, and she just did amazing with her hair down. I would say that anyone could do yoga even if you’ve never tried it.

Parker hits the Paradise feed with her Bird of Paradise. She began her practice with meditation during her formative years of high school and earned her yoga certification just six months ago. She's bounced around the nation and believes an energetic pull keeps bringing her back to Toledo.
Parker hits the Paradise feed with her Bird of Paradise. She began her practice with meditation during her formative years of high school and earned her yoga certification just six months ago. She’s bounced around the nation and believes an energetic pull keeps bringing her back to Toledo.

Yoga at home is nothing compared to a studio. You have a room full of people, there’s an energy here and you never know what to expect. When you’re being pushed and challenged a little bit you don’t know where you can go,” Parker points out.

Donning fuchsia leggings, an Om tattoo on the nape of her neck and a white tank printed with, Live Your Practice, Parker says simply set your mind to the mantra, “Everything we do on the mat is how we’re showing up off the mat, too. Stay in inquiry and stay in your breath. Anyone can start to have natural realizations.”

Zydorczyk tilts her head, covered in bobbed, high-lighted brown hair, and reflects on her inversions, “I haven’t mastered them. I still very much need the wall.”

In time, patience, persistency and self-compassion partnered with breath will bring her to the precise place she needs to be. It’s Yoga Toledo is located at 4324 West Central Avenue. Check the schedule for Power Yoga and other class times.








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